Vybudujte perfektní místo pro zákazníky se stejnými zájmy
Build the perfect place for customers with the same interests under your brand.
How to build a community of engaged and motivated customers?
Plánujte a realizujte B2B nebo B2C eventy pohodlně z jednoho místa
Happenee serves as a graphical and interactive extension for your marketing systems or CRM.
Communicate with your target audience easily and effectively in one place
Increase customer engagement through immersive interaction
Encourage customer engagement by awakening the competitive spirit in your customers.
Present your or your partner services and products in and interactive way
Make decisions based on current data

Rely on 100% human support
From 3D environments to games, your logo, colors and values can be projected.

Success Stories
Be inspired by stories from successful projects
Experience the platform from a customer perspective with all features and modules directly in your web browser.
Why Happenee?
Modularity and flexibilty
100% support
Proven reliability
Autentic engagement
Fast deployment
Have a fun!